Fifth Wind Farm is hosting Alison Wearing and her amazing, not to be missed, one woman show of Confessions of a Fairy’s Daughter (growing up with a gay Dad) on September 18th at 8 pm. Confessions of a Fairy’s Daughter is the story of “coming out” as the daughter of a gay father. Already wrestling with an adolescent’s search for identity when …
A perfect night for SONG
On Sunday night the members of Safe Harbour came together to perform Fifth WindSONG, our second annual benefit coffee house and silent auction for SONG. The weather was perfect, the views spectacular, and the audience warm and generous. Platters of delicious desserts graced each table, and a wide array of silent auction items stimulated the competitive spirit in our audience and choir members …
The Violins Go Home!
There has been quite a “buzz” in the violin room in the past few weeks, in anticipation of the possibility that the students might be able to take their instruments home over March break. (after all, why should they sit in a cupboard when they could be played?) We are very thankful to the SONG board members for granting permission …
SONG’s violin players step Into the Spotlight!
SONG’s violin players are thrilled to participate in the La Jeunesse Youth Orchestra’s annual “In the Spotlight” concert on Sunday, February 22nd, 3 pm at Port Hope United Church. This is an annual event where LJYO features up-and-coming players from the orchestra as soloists; however, they also feature younger string players – students of various ages who are in the …
The secret wisdom of children
Anyone who works with children will tell you that they can sneak attack you with flashes of brilliance. One minute you are playing “Hot Cross Buns” while sitting cross-legged on a dusty classroom floor, reminding the kids not to run or bump or smack or duck. The next minute, a child says something so unexpected and full of wisdom it …
Only One Week Left!
Help Put an Instrument in the Hands of Each SONG Child Less than a month ago we launched this crowdfunding campaign and asked for your help to raise $5,000 by December 15. We never expected the incredible response! Through email, social media, and word-of-mouth, you have already raised $3,640 for SONG’s Solid Ground Beginner Strings Program. Thank you! We have …
A moment for gratitude
In the midst of what feels like the most high-paced and frenetic fall we at SONG have ever experienced, I think it’s very important to take a moment to sit back and be thankful for the quiet but steadfast support that continues to come from organizations that have been helping us since the beginning. The Sigma Alpha Iota People-to-People Project yet …
SONG is back!
Season two begins, what an exciting change! On Monday, we began at Terry Fox School in Cobourg, first with our primary class: 15 enthused children from grades 1, 2, and 3 learning rhythm names and sol-fa syllables, singing in canon, singing the melody while walking the beat, learning to sing high and low, soft and loud. At 3:45 we met …
Our First Season Finishes: A Beautiful Thing!
Our first season seems to have flown by. Our final event for the year that involved our children was the barbecue in Port Hope on June 14. Family, friends, and supporters were all invited to celebrate with a picnic at Memorial Park, Port Hope. The children ate, sang, played musical games, and enjoyed some food. It was an opportunity for …