SONG recently wrapped its 2023 Spring Fundraiser Campaign, which ran at the same time as our Tim Horton’s Smile Cookie Fundraiser.
A generous community member agreed to match every unique donation SONG received — the first double — during this fundraiser (up to $10K). And local businesses matched the revenue from Smile Cookie sales on certain days. We playfully titled the whole thing our Double Double Campaign as a result.
The community showed up in ways we’ve never experienced before, including the help we received from some Trinity College School students Serar and Emerson who donated extra cash they raised selling some of the Tim’s Smile Cookies for us!

With that extra push, the results for the Spring Fundraiser for donations made directly to SONG are in!
We are thrilled to announce together we raised $20 249! News spread quickly and we were featured in Northumberland News, Peterborough Examiner, and Today’s Northumberland.