Dave will teach you about the history of “Firebird”, by Igor Stravinsky.
There are evil wizards, golden eggs, romance, and magical creatures – sounds like a great ballet!
Listen to the tension, drama, and momentum in “Infernal Dance” while Dave tells you about the musical decisions that Stravinsky made.
Why don’t you find a recording of “Infernal Dance” and see if you can identify the different instruments? What do you imagine is happening while you listen to the music?
What you’ll do in this video: listen, learn, imagine.

Learn Some More
Bow Hand Tips
Free Online Music Lessons & Games, Learn, Play, Summer of SONGDave shares some handy tips for using your bow hand properly….
Body Percussion
Free Online Music Lessons & Games, Learn, Summer of SONGClapping, snapping, patting, stomping – these are all forms of body percussion!…
How to Practice
Free Online Music Lessons & Games, Learn, Play, Summer of SONGIs practicing just taking out your instrument and running through the pieces you have to play? Dave explains how to get better at practicing….
4 Ways to Use Your Breath to Help Your Singing
Free Online Music Lessons & Games, Learn, Sing, Summer of SONGMarie will teach you a bunch of noises you can make to help you learn to control your breathing….
Tuning your Violin with a Tuner
Free Online Music Lessons & Games, Learn, Play, Summer of SONGDave will show you how to use a tuner that will listen to you play and help you tune your violin….
How “Find a Light” Was Written
Free Online Music Lessons & Games, Learn, Sing, Summer of SONGSue Passmore of The Good Lovelies talks about how SONG students helped her write “Find a Light”….